
I'm Noah.

I'm a Frontend Software Engineer with a strong passion for building web applications with great user experiences in mind.

Here are some of my projects

  • Ultraverse

    Html, JavaScript, React, Axios

    Took a static page that was using filler data and replaced that by processing data from an API to dynamically display information. Created an interactive UI by adding animations, transitions, and carousels.

  • Netflix Clone

    Html, Tailwind, JavaScript, React, Axios, Firebase

    Uses TMDB's API to iterate through results to display in a fashion meant to mimic Netflix's homepage. Has sign in and sign up pages that uses Firebase for authentication.

  • Youtube Clone

    Html, CSS, Typescript, React, Vite

    Mimic the layout that is used for the Youtube landing page. Includes a scrolling top bar and side menu that can be collapsed.

  • Movie API Search

    Html, CSS, JavaScript, React, Axios

    Search page that uses results from OMDB's API to display movie results based on inputed query, which can then be sorted from oldest to newest. Each result can be clicked on for further information also pulled from OMDB